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Department of German and Scandinavian Studies LingColl2024

LingColl 2024

A picture of the seminar: the glasswall, with trees on its left and right.

(c) Deutsches Seminar | Frank Brüderli

Standard Language. Language Usage. Language Identities.

August 28 to 30, 2024 at the University of Zürich (UZH)

A homogeneous, static standard language does not exist. This is evident in the fact that language usage varies depending on regional origin, age, situational context, and more – not only in spoken, but also in written language. There is a wide range of variations in written language, and it would be incorrect to assume that linguistic norms apply uniformly in all writing contexts. However, in foreign language teaching, whether for German or any other language, rules must be conveyed, which are codified in the grammars, dictionaries, and orthography of the respective language. How should this challenge be addressed in language education? Another question to be discussed in the context of this colloquium relates to how language variability within the same language is constituted and how it is used in everyday life. There are situational-pragmatic norms that we take for granted and unconsciously follow in communicative situations. Language usage, however, does not solely result from such expectations and anticipated expectations (dt. ‘Erwartungserwartung’); we can also use language performatively to mark our social position and, in the sense of Bourdieu, increase our "symbolic capital." Or to put it in interactional sociolinguistic terms: we have various language identities that we can call on or construct in each situation. The colloquium will explore this understanding of language identity, and also consider the significance of language identity in the context of multilingualism. At LingColl 2024, we welcome presentations that discuss these aspects from the perspective of language education, sociolinguistics, and multilingualism. Furthermore, in line with its tradition, the colloquium is also open to other topics. We are happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Rita Franceschini, Prof. Dr. Jan Georg Schneider  and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Spitzmüller  will each be giving a keynote speech at the event!

We look forward to engaging presentations and stimulating discussions.

The Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Christa Dürscheid
Dr. Aline Meili
MA Florina Zülli
MA Ronja Eggenschwiler
BA Dimitrios Sarantidis
BA Sandro Wick
Béatrice Fleiner