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Zeit: 19. April – 22. April 2021, jeweils 16 bis 18 Uhr (Online)
Sprache: Der Kurs wird auf Englisch durchgeführt.
In this one-week course, students are introduced to the basic concepts and principles of experimental research against the backdrop of sociolinguistic attitude research. The course consists of three components. First, it covers the basics of research design from a theoretical perspective, but with plenty of practical tips and tricks. These principles are subsequently illustrated through an interactive discussion of four case studies from the instructors’ own research practice. Finally, the newly acquired insights are consolidated through a practice session during which students work in small groups to tackle a real life case for which they develop a suitable experimental design.
The course is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in (socio)linguistics with limited prior knowledge about experimental design. As the course does not focus on analysing results from experimental studies, no prior statistical knowledge is required.
Dozierende: Prof Dr Laura Rosseel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), Prof Dr Eline Zenner (KU Leuven)
Montag 19. April 2021, 16-18 Uhr: Theoretical introduction I
Dienstag 20. April 2021, 16-18 Uhr: Theoretical introduction II
Mittwoch 21. April 2021, 16-18 Uhr: Practical session I
Donnerstag 22. April 2021, 16-18 Uhr: Practical session II
Der Link zu den Online-Sitzungen wird bis am Montag 19. April allen angemeldeten Teilnehmenden per Email mitgeteilt. Für Fragen bitte Melanie Röthlisberger unter kontaktieren.