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Deutsches Seminar

Voice analysis


Next to containing a linguistic message, voices play an essential role in human social interaction. Humans can recognize other individuals by their voice, rely on being recognized and recognition failure is a social misconduct that can lead to high embarrassment. Voices signal the emotional state, the fertility in females and help selecting the right mating partner. Voices are a key part of our personality and shape the trust we have in others. Non-speech information in voice has traditionally be viewed as noise in the speech signal that needs to be cancelled out. Recent research, however, shows that non-speech information in voice actually enhances speech communication.





Leistungsnachweis Portfolio: (a) written assignments throughout the term (50%), (b) written report (50%).
Dauer Einsemestrig
Angebotsmuster Jedes Herbstsemester
Credits 6 ECTS, benotet
Modulverantwortung Volker Dellwo
Voraussetzungen The participation in "Fundamentals of Speech Sciences and Signal Processing" is highly recommended.
Programme Ma Major Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft/Literaturwissenschaft (90 ECTS Credits)
Master Minor Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft/Literaturwissenschaft (30 ECTS Credits)

Dieses Modul wird durch das Institut für Computerlinguistik angeboten. Alle weiteren Informationen erhalten Sie dort.