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Deutsches Seminar


Gastvortrag: Dienstag, 14.10.2025
Unveiling the Silence: Exploring Situational Irony and Postcolonial Trauma in Martin R. Dean’s »Meine Väter«
Mit: Prof. Priscilla Layne (University of California at Berkley)
Organisiert von: Prof. Dr. Frauke Berndt
Zeit/Ort: 18:15, Aula RAA-G-01, Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich
Im Rahmen der Zurich Distinguished Lectures: The Art of Interpretation.
Priscilla Layne ist Professor of German; Adjunct Associate Professor of African and Afro-American Studies; Director of the Center for European Studies, University of California at Berkley.