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Department of German and Scandinavian Studies


MA Eyal Dolev


  • Dolev, Eyal Liron; Lutz, Clemens Fidel; Aepli, Noëmi (2024). Does Whisper Understand Swiss German? An Automatic, Qualitative and Human Evaluation.  Link (Preprint, accepted at VarDial 2024, Mexico City)
  • Dolev, Eyal Liron (2023). Does mBERT Understand Romansh? Evaluating Word Embeddings Using Word Alignment. In: SwissText 2023, Neuchâtel, 12 Juni 2023 - 14 Juni 2023.  Link
  • Dolev, Eyal Liron. Using Multilingual Word Embeddings for Similarity-Based Word Alignments in a Zero-Shot Setting: Tested on the Case of German-Romansh. 2022, University of Zurich, Philosophische Fakultät.  Link

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