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Deutsches Seminar


Abteilung für Skandinavistik


Prof. Dr. Jan Anward †
HS 15, FS 15, HS 14, FS 14, HS 13, FS 13, HS 12, FS 12, HS 11, FS 11, HS 10, FS 10, HS 09
Prof. Dr. Pil Dahlerup
SS 06
Lektorin und Leiterin der "Georg Brandes Skolen. Danske Studier i Litteratur og Kunst", Universität Kopenhagen (bis 2009)
Prof. Dr. Odd Einar Haugen
FS 11, HS 10, FS 10, HS 09, WS 06/07
Dr. Pernille Hermann
SS 07
Head of Department for Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy and associate professor in Scandinavian language and literature, Aarhus University
Prof. Dr. Leelo Keevallik
HS 19, FS 19, HS 18, FS 18, HS 17, FS 17, HS 16, FS 16
Professorin an der Linköping University, IKK
Prof. Dr. Jan Paul Strid †
SS 07
Gastprofessor für Nordische Philologie (1.3.2007-30.6.2007)